Wel­co­me to Stift Zwettl Abbey!

The monastery in Zwettl was founded by Hadmar I. of Kuenring in 1138. The first Cistercians developed a rational, integrated scheme for building abbeys, which was used across Europe. They erected their monasteries far away from settlements, partly even in unpopulated regions. Stift Zwettl Abbey preserved its medieval appearance till today. 

The clois­ter was built in the first half of the 13th cen­tu­ry. One can fol­low the dif­fe­rent stages of me­dieval ar­chi­tec­tu­re here – if you look at the ol­dest parts which are the north and the east wings you can see the roun­ded Ro­ma­nes­que ar­ches, in the fo­un­tain house the­re are lan­cet Go­thic ar­ches. Clo­se to the dor­mi­t­ory, whe­re the mon­ks used to sleep, the­re is the “ne­ces­sa­ri­um”, which was the la­tri­ne. The Chap­ter House in Ro­ma­nes­que style dates back to the last quar­ter of the 12th cen­tu­ry. Thus it is the ol­dest ex­tant Cis­ter­ci­an chap­ter. The Mo­nas­tery Church has a late Go­thic hall choir which com­bi­nes har­mo­nious­ly with an am­bu­la­to­ry and a ring of 14 cha­pels, ist Ba­ro­que high al­tar is de­di­ca­ted to the As­sump­ti­on of Vir­gin Mary. A rare, ma­gni­fi­cent li­bra­ry co­mes from the Ba­ro­que period.

Au­dio­gui­des in Eng­lish are available. The Eng­lish au­dio gui­de tour be­g­ins at the ti­cket of­fice in the gift shop. The tour ta­kes you th­rough the ol­dest Ro­ma­nes­que rooms and the fa­mous Way of the Cross with the chap­ter house and lava­to­ri­um (mon­ks’ wa­sh­room), whe­re the de­ve­lo­p­ment from Ro­ma­nes­que to Go­thic can be fol­lo­wed. The mo­nas­tery is sur­roun­ded by spa­cious gar­dens, which are free­ly ac­ces­si­ble and in­vi­te their vi­si­tors not only to walk, but also to re­lax. The gui­de th­rough the clois­ter can also be down­loa­ded free of char­ge via the “Zis­ter­zi­en­ser­stift Zwettl” app.

Re­stau­rant, Ab­bey shop, Par­king free

Vi­si­ting hours: from March 24th to Oc­to­ber 31st 2024

Au­dio tours

from May to Sep­tem­ber from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m, April and Oc­to­ber from 9.30 a.m. to 4 p.m., last ad­mis­si­on 45 mi­nu­tes be­fo­re the ti­cket of­fice closes

The church, tre­asu­ry room and li­bra­ry are only ac­ces­si­ble with gui­ded tours in Ger­man. Vi­si­tors can bor­row texts in Eng­lish at the cash desk.

Gui­ded tours library:

dai­ly at 3.00 p.m. and Sun­days and pu­blic ho­li­days at 11.00 a.m.: this tour also in­cludes a small spe­cial ex­hi­bi­ti­on “Cis­ter­s­capes”.

Gui­ded tours of the church and tre­asu­ry:

every day at 11:00 a.m. (ex­cept Sun­days and pu­blic ho­li­days), and at 2:00 p.m., from May to Sep­tem­ber on Sun­days and pu­blic ho­li­days at 12.30 p.m

Adults € 12,50
Con­ces­si­ons € 11,50
Fa­mi­lies € 25,00
Child­ren € 6,50